Angle Conversion

The following utility will enable you to convert angles expressed in one unit to another unit

For very small numbers or to improve rounding you can use this to control the number of decimal places displayed
Angles are generally expressed as degrees or radians.
The information in the table below provides a method of converting angles from other units to degrees or radians.
Scheme For degrees (°) multiply by For radians multiply by
Degrees (°) 1 0.017 453 29
Radians 57.295 787 8 1
gon (grade) 0.9 0.015 707 96
mil 0.056 25 0.000 981 747 7
minute (') 0.016 666 667 0.000 290 888 2
second (") 0.000 277777766667 0.000 004 848 137